Wymondham Junior Chess Club FAQ

There is no strict age limit for joining our club. However, it is a requirement that children in Year 6 and below be accompanied by an adult during club activities. This ensures their safety and comfort, and helps them gain confidence as they interact with their peers and mentors. Parents are welcome to relax in The Feathers bar area while their children are participating in the activities.
It’s perfectly okay to feel shy or nervous, especially when you’re new. We understand that it can take some time to get comfortable with new surroundings and people. That’s why we have a mentorship program where previous junior members act as mentors within the club. They are there to help you settle in, answer any questions you might have, and make you feel at home. Remember, every chess master was once a beginner. We’re all here to learn and grow together! 
No, there’s no membership requirement to attend the junior club. We believe in making chess accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer a free introductory session for all new members. After the introductory session, there is a nominal fee of £3.00 per session
As our club is located in a licensed premises, we kindly ask all members and visitors to refrain from consuming food and drinks that are not purchased from the premises. This is to comply with the licensing regulations of our venue. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. There are a variety of food and drink options available for purchase at the venue.
Yes, we take the safety and welfare of our members very seriously. We have a dedicated Safeguarding and Welfare Officer who is a retired police officer. They are responsible for ensuring a safe and secure environment for all our members. If you have any concerns or issues, please feel free to approach our officer for assistance
To ensure that young people gain the maximum benefit from our Club, we recommend that they have a foundational understanding of chess. This includes familiarity with the various chess pieces, their respective movements, and the rules for promotion. There is a wealth of excellent resources available, including children’s books and online videos, which can help children acquire these skills. With little practice, these fundamental aspects of chess can be mastered within only a few weeks
Absolutely, chess can be a significant booster for a child’s cognitive growth. It challenges the brain to exercise vital functions such as memory, concentration, and the ability to recognise patterns, which are essential for intellectual development. 
No, there’s no need to bring your own chess equipment. Our club is fully equipped with plenty of chess boards and pieces for everyone’s use. Just bring your enthusiasm for the game and we’ll provide the rest
Chess has been shown to improve problem-solving skills, which are directly applicable to subjects like mathematics and science. It also enhances logical reasoning and critical thinking, both of which are valuable across various academic disciplines
At our Junior Chess Club, we believe in fostering an environment of respect, kindness, and sportsmanship. Here are some guidelines we encourage all our young members to follow:

1. Respect for Others: Treat all club members, opponents, and coaches with courtesy and respect. Remember, everyone is here to learn and enjoy the game of chess.
2. Good Sportsmanship: Winning and losing are both part of the game. Celebrate your victories humbly and accept defeats gracefully. 
3. Care for Club Property: Handle chess boards, pieces, and other club property with care. Remember, they are for everyone’s use.
4. Honesty: Chess is a game of strategy and skill. There’s no place for cheating. Always play fair.

Remember, our club is a place for everyone to enjoy the beautiful game of chess. Let’s make it a positive experience.